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1 – Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

2 – Lung ultrasound in COVID-19 and post COVID-19 patients, an evidence-based approach

3 – Time for a new international evidence-based recommendations for point-of-care lung ultrasound

4 – How is COVID-19 changing lung ultrasound? A survey by the Thoracic Ultrasound Academy

5 – Not so FAST but not so furious: an improper method underdiagnoses pneumothorax – answer to the article “Not so FAST chest ultrasound underdiagnoses traumatic pneumothorax”

6 – Limiting the areas inspected by lung ultrasound leads to an underestimation of COVID19 patients’ condition

7 – Artifacts and Signs in lung ultrasound: the need for a revised classification: Part1: an Accademia di Ecografia Toracica (AdET) survey

8 – Vertical Artifacts as lung ultrasound signs: trick or trap? Part 2: an Accademia di Ecografia Toracica position paper on B lines and Sonographic Interstitial Syndrome

9 – Proposal for international standardization of the use of lung ultrasound for patients with COVID-19: a simple, quantitative, reproducible method.

10 – On the impact of different lung ultrasound imaging protocols in the evaluation of patients affected by coronavirus disease 2019: how many acquisitions are needed?

11 – A new lung ultrasound protocol able to predict worsening in patients affected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pneumonia

12 – Multi-objective automatic analysis of lung ultrasound data from COVID-19 patients by means of deep learning and decisions trees

Prognostic Role of Lung Ultrasound in Children with Bronchiolitis: Multicentric Prospective Study

Pleuropulmonary Ultrasound in Pediatrics: Proposal of a Reporting Model From the Academy of Thoracic Ultrasound

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